Its all a lie. Austerity was part of the Tory plan to demolish the country, taking away all public services and thereby ensuring that the rich elite stay in control of the poor masses. Yes masses, not people, with needs ,wants,desires, ambition, cares ,feelings! They have turned people against one another with propaganda purporting that those on welfare are scroungers and ,that same propaganda has increased crimes against the disabled. Austerity was unnecessary.
The banks should be publicly owned since they were bailed out with public money.Tax funds paid by you the people. Then the Tories gave the banks gold plated freedoms to do as they pleased. These same banks are bank rolling the Tory party and/or providing generous incomes to those MPs. The banks have control of the country through these politicians and their greed for power and wealth.
What should have happened is that they should lend to small businesses and aid the building programme necessary to ensure that the country have homes, proper insulation to ensure that homes are warm, using green technology to help in the fight against climate change, reducing CO2 emissions, and providing employment in the regeneration of the country.
In today's world, in a rich country like the UK, there should be no poverty; there should be no need for food banks; no need for fear by the vulnerable. It is possible to provide a welfare system for our vulnerable, a Health care system like the NHS, a guaranteed living wage to all, Human Rights.
Austerity is a lie to keep the people, the masses, under control. The policy of creating fear and in-fighting is obvious in ensuring that people are misguided and misled into a belief that this is good medicine.They are blinded into believing that their less fortunate neighbours are the enemy, that they must strive and fight for success in retaining their poorly paid jobs and vilify the vulnerable for needing care and help.. What kind of society do we want? I for one want a society that cares for its neighbours. “the true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members”
There is a choice