TTIP, or Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. Sounds really plausible and a great idea as an agreement of free trade between US and Europe." Proponents say the agreement would result in multilateral economic growth,.. while critics say it would increase corporate power and make it more difficult for governments to regulate markets for public benefit.... The American government considers the TTIP a companion agreement to the Trans-Pacific Partnership... After a proposed draft was leaked in March 2014,.. the European Commission launched a public consultation on a limited set of clauses and in January 2015 published parts of an overview...(see entry in wikipedia). This week, the EU ignored the wishes of the people and a 2m+ signed petition against TTIP and with weighted persuasion from US voted to accept TTIP
What most people fail to see, is the long term results from this move. TTIP is a partnership of power, of the banks, hedge-funds and large corporations. The US is at its heart as they believe (and have published a paper the 2015 US National Military Strategy, which highlights their belief that they are the supreme rulers of the world, their actions to protect their beliefs and that those who do not succumb to that leadership are "rebels")
that they are the supreme power of the world and will not take no for an answer. The majority of people will believe the media hype presented to them that America is a democratic Nation that believes in freedom and human rights. Those same media are owned by US millionaires who have the power to criticise any who dare to speak up. The global currency for trade is the dollar. That just goes to show that power. Look at all the wars/ disputes around the world and the "peacekeeping" role US says it is carrying out. It is a smoke screen to own and rule the world. Then, too, look at who is excluded by some divine right to be excused its atrocities in Palestine. Israel and the zionist banking system are the powerhouse that is America.
Greece was no accident. It was caused by the banks who deliberately loaned $ to Greece. The purpose, as with any bank, is to "create" money to lend, at interest. When the loan and interest are repaid, the bank has made a profit by the creation out of thin air, funds. Then, when a country like Greece cannot repay the debt, the banks will move in an asset strip the country.Its a win win for the banks. Who is next? Italy or Greece? And, US has started to wind up the relationship between France and Germany. Does the US need a united Europe?
TTIP will asset strip the globe. Thes corporations are not interested in sustainability or climate change and its results, they are only interested in capital growth; their growth in $ and power. TTIP will remove what little democracy and fre speech we have currently. Corporations will "own" the world and politicians will be their bitches. People are merely fodder. Should the world deteriorate further and resources become fewer, there will be little need for we, the ordinary many.